About Gerdins
At the High Coast, on a peninsula in the Gulf of Bothnia, lies Mjällom, surrounded by nature that invites a rich outdoor life and an increased quality of life.
Mjällom has been an industrial area for more than 100 years. Already at the end of the 19th century, the development from a traditional agricultural, forestry and fishing society to an industrial society began. Then Måvikens Sawmill was started in Mjällom. After that, salteries were founded for the processing of fish, as well as flatbread bakeries.
In 1919, the manufacture of shoes was started in Mjällom. When production was at its peak, the shoe factories employed up to 500 people. These factories needed subcontractors, who could provide e.g. punch knives. In 1999, the last shoe factory moved from Mjällom.

In 1952, Yngve and his uncle Manfred Gerdin started a blacksmith shop and bicycle repair business in Mjällom. During the year 1955, the manufacture of clicker knives and other supplies for the town's shoe industries was started, a business that gradually developed towards other customers in Sweden.
Punches were mounted in the knives to punch different hole patterns. The punches were initially imported from Germany. Gerdins later invested in lathes and started a production for his own needs. Today, Gerdin's punches are exported all over the world.
In order to create development and job opportunities in Mjällom in connection with the closure of the shoe industry, Gerdins started manufacturing wire harnesses in 1985. With Solveyh Gerdin at the helm, business area Gerdins Cable Systems was developed
At the end of the 80s, new CNC technology was invested for turning punches and laser machines for cutting die-boards, in order to utilize machine capacity and investments lego production was started in these areas. Which laid the foundation for the Gerdins Components business area.
In 2016, the business areas Component and Cabel Systems were sold to AQ Group. The operations continue to develop in Mjällom but under a new name.
Gerdins Cutting Technology AB continues in the same location as before. Since its inception in 1952, Gerdins has been family-owned.